What do you mean by media

What do you mean by media?

What do you mean by media? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Creative techniques in media & education.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Defining media technologies

Media – mass media such as television, radio, press, internet. So they are an integral element of the life of modern society.

Media technologies – systems and devices enabling content transmission (e.g. computers, smartphones, software). So these are tools and platforms that enable the transfer of information and communication.

Information society – modern society based on access to information.

Media pedagogy – a branch of pedagogy dealing with media education.

What do you mean by media? Top content

  1. The role of the media in education. So how the media influences the learning process and communication.
  2. Media competencies. So ability to use media consciously and responsible.
  3. Agenda-setting. The media shapes the topics of social discussions.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Matusiak K., Media w edukacji – wybrane problemy edukacji medialnej, „Paidea (Παιδεία)” 2019, nr 1, s. 233-252.
  1. What challenges are posed by the new media?
  2. So what media competencies should we develop in students?
  3. What are the benefits and risks of the role of media in education?

Creative techniques in media and education. The concept of media creativity

Media – mass media such as television, radio, press, internet.

Media creativity – so the ability to creatively use media and experiment and innovative thinking.

What do you mean by media? Top content

  1. Goals of media education. Conscious citizen, critical consumer and creative user of technology. Media education aims at media literacy, i.e. the ability to select, analyze and creatively use information from the media.
  2. Media competencies. Use of media and digital devices. Creating messages in various forms and publishing them in various channels. So experimentation, innovation and creativity.
  3. Media professionalization. So development of skills needed to work in the media.
  4. Popularization of science. Using the media to educate and promote science.
  5. Learning methodology. Effective learning strategies and the use of media in education.
  6. Creative techniques. So a creative approach to the use of media.
  7. Smartphone in education. The use of smartphones as educational tools.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Drzewiecki P., Media aktywni. Dlaczego i jak uczyć edukacji medialnej? Program nauczania edukacji medialnej dla gimnazjów i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych z opracowaniem metodycznym, Otwock, Warszawa 2010.
Media Aktywni

In 2010, I published the first complete media education programme in Poland with a methodological study. “Media actives” proved to be a breakthrough for my academic work and inspired many educational workshop and training projects.

  1. What are the benefits of developing media competencies?
  2. So how can media be used in education?
  3. Is media creativity important in today’s world?

Blogosphere. Blogosphere and logosphere

Media – mass media, such as television, radio, press, and the Internet, which are used for communication and information. Functions: informing, educating, entertaining, shaping public opinion. Examples: television, newspapers, Internet portals.

Blogosphere – a community of bloggers, i.e. people running blogs. Blogs combine intimacy and subjectivity with the possibilities of mass media. Segments of the blogosphere: hobby, professional, corporate. Number of blogs in the world: 150 to 200 million.

Logosphere – comes from the Greek word “logos” (word) and means “world of words” or “world of discussion”. Relationship with the blogosphere: the logosphere is a description of the universe of blogs, their interactions and content.

What do you mean by media? Top content

  1. Media history. From Gutenberg’s invention of printing to the Internet. So evolution of forms of communication: from newspapers to blogs.
  2. The blogosphere as a phenomenon. Impact on culture, politics, society. So the role of bloggers as an alternative to mainstream media.
  3. The impact of technology on the blogosphere. Microblogs, photoblogs, video blogs. So new forms of communication.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Goniak Ł., Czy blogi to rzeczywiście prasa? Kilka uwag praktycznych o zasadności uznania blogera za dziennikarza, a bloga za prasę, „Media-Culture-Social Communication” 2020, t. 2, nr 16, s. 45-61.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media compared to the blogosphere?
  2. So should bloggers be considered journalists?
  3. What threats does the development of technology pose to the blogosphere?
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