What is religious media?
What is religious media? Inquiring into this topic, I began studying the achievements of Bishop Adam Lepa. My article for “Media Education”.
Studies – currently (2024-2027) I am conducting scientific work (NPRH/DN/SP/0189/2023/12, PLN 359,400) on the achievements of bishop Adam Lepa PhD (1939-2022), the precursor of religious media education in Poland, one of my scientific masters. Also, together with my students at the master’s seminar in Media education and professionalization, we conduct qualitative research. On various groups of media users and representatives of media professions. We also examine media messages, visual and audiovisual. Posters, magazine covers, films and TV series.
What is religious media? Inquiring into this topic, I began studying the achievements of Bishop Adam Lepa. My article for “Media Education”.
What happened to the world in The Last of Us? My master’s student prepared an interesting paper on the subject.
What is a manipulative tool? I have completed work on the third research paper on the academic achievements of bishop Adam Lepa.
What is the meaning of audiovisual content? I have completed work on the second research paper on the academic achievements of bishop Adam Lepa.
What is the purpose of this propaganda poster? One of my seminar students prepared a comparative analysis of propaganda posters of the Third Reich and the USSR.
Bishop Adam Lepa (1939-2022) – precursor of faith-based media literacy education in Poland. I am honored to lead a scientific grant about his achievements.
Na 8. Cyberprzestrzeń i światy wirtualne o pedagogice XXI wieku wybieram się z logosferą bp. Lepy oraz z pytaniem: czy ChatGPT pisze wiersze?
9-10 kwietnia konferencja Dni Medialne UKSW, na którą przygotowałem prezentację. Analizowałem felietony z serwisu Pograne.
Bp Adam Lepa (1939-2022) – prekursor religijnej edukacji medialnej w Polsce. Mam zaszczyt pokierować grantem NPRH o tej niezwykłej postaci.
Czy gry komputerowe są tekstami kultury? Fenomen gier cyfrowych to temat konferencji Dni Medialne UKSW. Warszawa, 9-10 kwietnia 2024.