What are the main functions of media

What are the main functions of media?

What are the main functions of media? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Creative techniques in media & education.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. From information through entertainment to education

Media functions – these are the various goals and tasks performed by the mass media. So we distinguish entertainment, information, opinion-forming, educational and culture-forming and control functions.

What are the main functions of media? Top content

  1. Entertainment (recreational) function. The media provides viewers with entertainment and fun. Examples include interviews with stars, TV series, game shows, music broadcasts, and gossip articles.
  2. Information function. The most important function of the media. So provides news from the world of politics, culture and economics. It uses information blocks and debate programs and comments.
  3. Opinion-forming function. The media influences public opinion. Commenting on information, presenting the opinions of authorities. So they influence the interpretation of social events.
  4. Educational and culture-forming function. Transferring knowledge, educating viewers. In summary educational productions, broadcasts of cultural events, art programs.
  5. Control function. The media exposes scandals and reprehensible activities of public employees. So they act as investigative journalists.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kicior B., Po co nam media – po co my mediom? Funkcje i oddziaływanie mediów masowych w społeczeństwie, „Konteksty Społeczne” 2018, t. 6, nr 1 (11), s. 55-63.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each media function?
  2. So are the media always independent of political power?

Creative techniques in media and education. Information and creation

Media functions – these are the various goals and tasks performed by the mass media. So we distinguish entertainment, information, opinion-forming, educational and culture-forming and control functions.

Media information – transmission of facts and data without subjective interpretation.

Creation in media – the process of creating and shaping a message in the media, often with subjective elements.

Media education – acquiring skills in critical reception and creation of media content.

Media image – the image of a person, institution or phenomenon created by the media.

What are the main functions of media? Top content

  1. Media functions. Discussing the role of the media as an informer, opinion-maker, social controller, culture creator, educator and entertainment provider.
  2. The difference between information and media creation. Analysis of the impact on the recipient.
  3. The role of media education in the information society. So how does media education influence the perception of information and media creation?
  4. Principles of creating an image in the media. Discussion of the methods and techniques used in creating a media image.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Pańczyk M., Kreacja medialna Katarzyny Nosowskiej (na przykładzie felietonów ze „Zwierciadła” i filmów z Instagramu), „Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski” 2021, t. 37, nr 1, s. 41-71.
  1. What media functions are most important in today’s society and why?
  2. So how can we distinguish information from media creation in everyday media reception?

Blogosphere. Blog typology

Media functions – these are the various goals and tasks performed by the mass media. So we distinguish entertainment, information, opinion-forming, educational and culture-forming and control functions.

Typology of blogs – in summary critical, guide, diary, modeling, reflective, informational, filtering, fictional.

Blog – an online platform for publishing content, often personal or specialized.

Social media – online tools enabling the creation and sharing of content and supporting social interactions.

What are the main functions of media? Top content

  1. Discussion of the role of the media in society, so including their ability to inform, shape opinions, control, create culture, educate and entertain.
  2. Presentation of different types of blogs and their characteristics, including critical, advisory, diary, modeling, reflective, informational, filtering and fictional blogs.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kidawa M., Maryl M., Niewiadomski K., Teksty elektroniczne w działaniu. Typologia gatunków blogowych, „Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich” 2016, t. 59, nr 2, s. 51-73.
  1. What functions of the media are most important in the context of the modern information society?
  2. So how do different types of blogs influence the perception and dissemination of information?
  3. Also can blogs be considered full-fledged media? Why yes or why not?
  4. So how has the development of social media changed the traditional functions of the media?
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