What is history of science in short

What is history of science in short?

What is history of science in short? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Popular science journalism.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Past achievements and contemporary challenges

History of science – a field of knowledge that describes the creation and development of specialized specific sciences examining natural and social processes.

Science – specialized fields of knowledge, separated from the general religious and philosophical background.

Cumulative progress – the continuous development of science, consisting of scientific discoveries considered to be true or approximate.

Paradigms – Thomas Kuhn’s concept, taking into account changes in the assumptions and goals of science in different periods.

What is history of science in short? Top content

  1. Description of the development of science in various fields.
  2. Examples of periods of prosperity and decline in the history of science.
  3. A variable approach to cumulative progress.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Leciejewski S., Struktura cyfrowej rewolucji naukowej, „Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce” 2018, nr 64, s. 117-136.
  1. Does science always develop cumulatively?
  2. So what factors influence paradigm changes in science?

Popular science journalism. Major discoveries and inventions of the 20th and 21st centuries

History of science – a field of knowledge that describes the creation and development of specialized detailed sciences examining the course of natural and social processes. So modern science is the result of many discoveries and innovations that have changed our perception of the world.

What is history of science in short? Top content

Here are the most important discoveries and inventions from the 20th and 21st centuries:

  1. Theory of relativity (Einstein, 1905). Albert Einstein introduced the theory of relativity, which changed our concept of time, space and the universe.
  2. Discovery of the structure of DNA (Watson, Crick, Franklin, Wilkins, 1953). Understanding the structure of DNA opened the door to understanding inheritance and evolution.
  3. Penicillin (Fleming, 1928). The first antibiotic that revolutionized medicine.
  4. Transistor (Bardeen, Brattain, Shockley, 1947). So key to the development of electronics and computers.
  5. Development of quantum theory. He contributed to our understanding of the microworld and technologies such as lasers and MRI.
  6. Discovery of the microprocessor (1970s). So it ushered in the era of personal computers.
  7. Human Genome Project (completed in 2003). Learning the human DNA sequence.
  8. Voice assistant. Such as Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant, which have changed our everyday lives.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Woleński J., Filozofia nauki a historia nauki, „Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU” 2014, nr 13, s. 99-115.
  1. What scientific discoveries have had the greatest impact on our lives?
  2. Is scientific progress always beneficial to society?
  3. So what are the challenges facing science in the 21st century?

Blogosphere. Searching for the meaning of physical and social reality

History of science – a field of knowledge that describes the creation and development of specialized detailed sciences examining the course of natural and social processes. So it is a relatively young university discipline that requires a combination of two types of competences: orientation in a given field and the ability to conduct historical and social analysis.

Scientific blogosphere – so it is a dynamic Internet environment in which scientists and researchers and enthusiasts share their knowledge, discoveries and analyzes on various fields of science.

Scientific paradigms – fundamental beliefs and theoretical models that shape scientific research.

Revolutions in science – changes in scientific thinking, e.g. the Copernican revolution or Darwin’s theory of evolution.

What is history of science in short? Top content

  1. Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The influence of philosophy, mathematics and medicine on the development of science.
  2. Enlightenment. The rise of science, rationalism, experiments and the development of natural sciences.
  3. 19th and 20th centuries. Scientific revolutions, theories of evolution, quantum physics, molecular biology.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kucner A., Transcendentny oraz immanentny sens humanistyki jako nauki, w: Granice dyscyplin-arne w humanistyce, red. J. Kowalewski, W. Piasek, M. Śliwa, Olsztyn 2006, s. 9-22.
  1. What factors influenced the development of science in different historical periods?
  2. Is science always progressing? Are there periods of stagnation?
  3. So what events had the greatest impact on shaping science?
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