What is the best definition of science

What is the best definition of science?

What is the best definition of science? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Popular science journalism.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Technological progress and education

Science – the pursuit of knowledge, the formulation of laws and theories.

Technological progress – changes resulting from the development of technology.

Education – the process of transmitting knowledge and skills.

What is the best definition of science? Top content

  1. Science is an element of culture characterized by the pursuit of knowledge. The lack of a clear definition of knowledge makes the concept of science ambiguous. So science formulates laws and theories, and their justification is based on the confrontation of predictions with the results of experiments and observations.
  2. Technological progress affects education, changing teaching methods and access to knowledge. Information technology, the Internet and digital tools enable new forms of learning, such as e-learning and educational platforms. So it is worth considering what challenges and benefits this progress brings to the educational process.
  3. History of science. From prehistory to the present day.
  4. Scientific methods. Confrontation of predictions with experimental results.
  5. Changes in education. So e-learning, online platforms, access to information.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Lizut R., Nauka i technika, w: Skrypt dla uczestników studiów podyplomowych w zakresie przyrodoznawstwa, red. A. Zykubek, Z. Wróblewski, Lublin 2012, s. 151-159.
  1. What challenges does technological progress pose to education?
  2. Will the Internet and e-learning replace traditional teaching methods?
  3. So what are the most important features of science?

Popular science journalism. Fields and disciplines

Science – a permanently formed and separate group of scientific disciplines within which basic research is conducted, research workers are educated, and degrees are awarded, and scientific titles.

Field of study – a broad category of knowledge, e.g. social sciences.

Scientific discipline – a specialized area of ​​knowledge within a given field, e.g. science on social communication and media.

What is the best definition of science? Top content

  1. Classification of scientific fields and disciplines in Poland (e.g. humanities, engineering and technical sciences, medical sciences, family sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, exact and natural sciences, theological sciences, veterinary sciences, arts).
  2. So relationships between scientific fields and disciplines.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Karoński M., Polska nauka czy nauka w Polsce?, „Nauka” 2015, nr 3, s. 25-33.
  1. What are the main differences between scientific fields and disciplines?
  2. Why is the classification of sciences important for the organization of research and education?
  3. So what are the challenges facing science in today’s world?

Blogosphere. Logosphere as an environment of meaning, thoughts and words

Science – is the systematic study and analysis of natural, social or technical phenomena in order to gain knowledge and understanding of the world. Science is based on the scientific method, which includes observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, and reasoning.

Scientific method – a research process based on observation, also hypotheses and experiments.

Logosphere – is the sphere in which human thought, communication and creativity function. Therefore it covers language, literature, philosophy and other fields. So in the logosphere, meaning, thought and word are interconnected, creating a comprehensive system of meanings.

What is the best definition of science? Top content

  1. Discussion of science as a cognitive process.
  2. Explaining the steps of the scientific method.
  3. Analysis of the meaning and role of the logosphere in culture and society.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Lepa A., Logosfera a etyka społeczeństwa komunikacji, „Annales. Etyka w życiu gospodarczym” 2008, t. 11, nr 2, s. 133-144.
  1. What are the limitations of the scientific method?
  2. How does the logosphere influence our thinking and communication?
  3. So can science exist without the logosphere?
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