What is the history of journalism

What is the history of journalism?

What is the history of journalism? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Journalistic qualifications and competences, Popular science journalism.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Media technologies and changes in the journalistic profession

Journalism – is the profession or practice of collecting, creating, editing and presenting news or information, especially when it is communicated to the public through various media such as newspapers, radio, television and the Internet.

Media technologies – these are the tools, platforms and resources used to produce, deliver and receive media content. Media technologies include traditional media such as print, radio and television, as well as digital media such as computer games, the Internet and mobile phones.

Changes in the journalistic profession – these are changes in journalistic practice caused by the evolution of media technologies. These changes include changes in the way information is collected, processed and distributed, as well as changes in the relationship between journalists and their audiences.

What is the history of journalism? Top content

  1. History of journalism. The beginnings of journalism: from handwritten newspapers to printing. Development of the printed press in the 19th century. So the emergence of radio and television in the 20th century. The impact of the Internet on journalism at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  2. Media technologies and changes in the journalistic profession. The impact of printing technology on the development of journalism. Changes in the journalist’s profession caused by the emergence of radio and television. So changes in journalism caused by the development of the Internet. The impact of social media on the work of journalists.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kononiuk T., Dziennikarze na cyfrowych sterydach, „Media-Biznes-Kultura. Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna” 2023, nr 2(15), s. 151-164.
  1. So what events had the greatest impact on the development of journalism?
  2. How have media technologies influenced the transformation of the journalistic profession?
  3. What are the challenges and opportunities for journalism in the digital age?

Popular science journalism. Scientific and popular science media

Journalism – is the profession or practice of collecting, creating, editing and presenting news or information, especially when it is communicated to the public through various media such as newspapers, radio, television and the Internet.

Scientific media – are communication platforms used to convey scientific information. These can be scientific journals, conferences, workshops, university websites, science blogs, etc. Scientific media are usually aimed at scientists and specialists in a given field.

Popular science media – are media that aim to disseminate science in a way that is accessible to the general public. These can be articles, books, movies, TV shows, blogs, podcasts, etc. that explain science in a way that non-experts can understand.

What is the history of journalism? Top content

  1. History of journalism. The beginnings of journalism: from handwritten newspapers to printing. Development of the printed press in the 19th century. So the emergence of radio and television in the 20th century. The impact of the Internet on journalism at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  2. Scientific and popular science media. Features and role of scientific media in society. The importance of peer-reviewed scientific journals. Features of popular science media and their role in society. The importance of hobby magazines.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Lubczyńska A., Czasopisma hobbystyczne w Polsce — próba zdefiniowania zjawiska, „Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 2022, nr 25(2), s. 83-99.
  1. So what events had the greatest impact on the development of journalism?
  2. What are the differences and similarities between scientific and popular science media?
  3. What are the challenges and opportunities for science and popular science media in the digital era?

Journalistic qualifications and competences. Information, political control, social education

Journalism – is the profession or practice of collecting, creating, editing and presenting news or information, especially when it is communicated to the public through various media such as newspapers, radio, television and the Internet.

Professional changes – these are changes in professional practice caused by the evolution of technology, social, economic or political changes. In the context of journalism, professional change refers to changes in the way journalists carry out their work, for example as a result of the introduction of new media technologies.

Contemporary journalism – is the practice of journalism in today’s times, which includes the use of modern media technologies, such as the Internet and social media, and the changing relationship between journalists and their audiences.

What is the history of journalism? Top content

  1. History of journalism. The beginnings of journalism: from handwritten newspapers to printing. Development of the printed press in the 19th century. So the emergence of radio and television in the 20th century. The impact of the Internet on journalism at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  2. Professional changes in contemporary journalism. Changes in journalistic practice caused by the evolution of media technologies. The impact of social media on the work of journalists. Changes in the relationship between journalists and their audiences. So challenges and opportunities for contemporary journalism.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Raczkowska A. A., Aksjologia dziennikarska wobec wyzwań współczesności, „Horyzonty Wychowania” 2020, nr 19(50), s. 45-57.
  1. So what events had the greatest impact on the development of journalism?
  2. What are the most important career changes in contemporary journalism?
  3. What are the technological possibilities for modern journalism?
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