What is the history of media? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Creative techniques in media & education.
Image by freepikEducational challenges of media technologies. Transformations of media technologies from antiquity to the second decade of the 21st century
Main concepts
Orality and literacy – Walter J. Ong’s research indicates the importance of oral and written communication in the history of media.
Technology – the development of media technologies, so from pigeons as a means of communication in ancient times to modern social media platforms.
Communication – understanding various definitions of communication, including intentional and not necessarily human.
What is the history of media? Top content
- Evolution of the media. So the past as the source of our life and history as the science of the past.
- Social changes. Analysis of forms of behavior towards the media and new technologies over generations.
Literature and discussion questions
- Kita M., Radio i oralność – z perspektywy językoznawczej, „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” 2017, nr 39(1), s. 31-47.
- What events had the greatest impact on the development of the media?
- So is communication always intentional?
Creative techniques in media and education. Creative media production
Main concepts
Media production – creating content in various forms such as film, television, radio, internet, video games and other media.
Multimedia – so the use of various media, such as sound, image, text and animation.
Scenario – so a narrative structure describing the action, dialogues and characters in a media production.
What is the history of media? Top content
- Evolution of the media. From antiquity to the present day – so technological, social and cultural changes.
- Creativity in the media. The artistic role, innovations and challenges in content production.
- Examples of media production. So movies, TV series, commercials, video games, podcasts and more.
Literature and discussion questions
- Molęda‑Zdziech M., „Nowe nowe media” według Paula Levinsona–kreatywna nazwa czy innowacyjna koncepcja?, w: Kreatywność i innowacyjność w erze cyfrowej. Twórcza destrukcja 2, red. A. Zorska, M. Molęda-Zdziech, B. Jung, Warszawa 2014, s. 101-124.
- What trends in media production are we currently observing?
- So what challenges do media creators face?
Blogosphere. Blogs as a manifestation of the culture of participation in the era of Web 2.0
Main concepts
Blog – a personal online journal where authors publish content.
Web 2.0 – so users actively create and co-create content.
What is the history of media? Top content
- Blogs as a platform for expressing yourself, sharing opinions and experiences.
- So bloggers build their personal brands and establish relationships with readers.
Literature and discussion questions
- Popiołek M., Serwisy społecznościowe w przestrzeni internetowej – (social)mediatyzacja życia codziennego, „Zeszyty prasoznawcze” 2015, t. 58, nr 1, s. 60-71.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of blogs as a form of communication?
- So how have blogs influenced the culture of participation in the Web 2.0 era?