What is the history of media

What is the history of media?

What is the history of media? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Blogosphere, Creative techniques in media & education.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Transformations of media technologies from antiquity to the second decade of the 21st century

Orality and literacy – Walter J. Ong’s research indicates the importance of oral and written communication in the history of media.

Technology – the development of media technologies, so from pigeons as a means of communication in ancient times to modern social media platforms.

Communication – understanding various definitions of communication, including intentional and not necessarily human.

What is the history of media? Top content

  1. Evolution of the media. So the past as the source of our life and history as the science of the past.
  2. Social changes. Analysis of forms of behavior towards the media and new technologies over generations.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kita M., Radio i oralność – z perspektywy językoznawczej, „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” 2017, nr 39(1), s. 31-47.
  1. What events had the greatest impact on the development of the media?
  2. So is communication always intentional?

Creative techniques in media and education. Creative media production

Media production – creating content in various forms such as film, television, radio, internet, video games and other media.

Multimedia – so the use of various media, such as sound, image, text and animation.

Scenario – so a narrative structure describing the action, dialogues and characters in a media production.

What is the history of media? Top content

  1. Evolution of the media. From antiquity to the present day – so technological, social and cultural changes.
  2. Creativity in the media. The artistic role, innovations and challenges in content production.
  3. Examples of media production. So movies, TV series, commercials, video games, podcasts and more.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Molęda‑Zdziech M., „Nowe nowe media” według Paula Levinsona–kreatywna nazwa czy innowacyjna koncepcja?, w: Kreatywność i innowacyjność w erze cyfrowej. Twórcza destrukcja 2, red. A. Zorska, M. Molęda-Zdziech, B. Jung, Warszawa 2014, s. 101-124.
  1. What trends in media production are we currently observing?
  2. So what challenges do media creators face?

Blogosphere. Blogs as a manifestation of the culture of participation in the era of Web 2.0

Blog – a personal online journal where authors publish content.

Web 2.0 – so users actively create and co-create content.

What is the history of media? Top content

  1. Blogs as a platform for expressing yourself, sharing opinions and experiences.
  2. So bloggers build their personal brands and establish relationships with readers.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Popiołek M., Serwisy społecznościowe w przestrzeni internetowej – (social)mediatyzacja życia codziennego, „Zeszyty prasoznawcze” 2015, t. 58, nr 1, s. 60-71.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blogs as a form of communication?
  2. So how have blogs influenced the culture of participation in the Web 2.0 era?
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