Where did the idea of work come from

Where did the idea of work come from?

Where did the idea of work come from? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Journalistic qualifications and competences.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Specialization and professionalization of the media labor market

Professional work – work performed within a specific profession, in accordance with skills and qualifications.

Specialization – so the process of focusing on a specific area of ​​work or field of knowledge.

Professionalization – a process in which a given field or profession becomes more and more professional, requiring specialized knowledge and skills.

Where did the idea of work come from? Top content

  1. The emergence of the idea of ​​professional work. So discussion of the historical context in which the idea of ​​professional work first appeared. Craft. Medieval guilds. Industrial and technological revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries. Information society.
  2. Specialization in the labor market. So analysis of how specialization influenced the development of the labor market, with particular emphasis on the media.
  3. Professionalization of the labor market in the media. Discuss how the media has become more professional and how this has affected the labor market.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Skuza S., Modzelewska A., Szeluga-Romańska M., Profesjonalizacja zawodu dziennikarza w obliczu konwergencji mediów, „Zarządzanie mediami” 2019, nr 7, s. 79-95.
  1. What were the key moments in history that contributed to the emergence of the idea of ​​professional work?
  2. How has specialization influenced the development of the media labor market?
  3. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of professionalization of the media labor market?
  4. What are the future trends in the field of specialization and professionalization of the media labor market?

Journalistic qualifications and competences. Specialization and professionalization in the media market

Professional work – this is an area of ​​human activity thanks to which we meet our existential and psychosocial needs. So professional work includes the process of separating new professions or specialties in a given field, transforming some interests or activities into a profession, and acquiring the skills necessary to perform the profession.

Specialization – so is the process by which an individual, organization or country concentrates its resources on producing a limited range of goods or services to increase its efficiency.

Professionalization – refers to the process of separating new professions or specialties in a given field, transforming some interests or activities into a profession, and acquiring skills necessary to perform the profession.

Media market – this is the region in which the population can receive the same (or similar) offers from television and radio stations, as well as other types of media such as newspapers and online content. The media market is divided according to the type of media goods and services, i.e. the market for television and radio services, publishing, music, film, press, and the new media market (multimedia, Internet).

Where did the idea of work come from? Top content

  1. The emergence of the idea of ​​professional work. So discussion of the historical context in which the idea of ​​professional work first appeared. Craft. Medieval guilds. Industrial and technological revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries. Information society.
  2. Specialization and professionalization in the labor market. So analysis of how specialization influenced the development of the labor market, with particular emphasis on the media. Discuss how the media has become more professional and how this has affected the labor market.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Cyboran B., Animator na tle mapy „Kultura we współczesnej Polsce”. O profesjonalizacji zawodowej animatorów kultury, „Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów” 2017, nr 18, s. 275-286.
  1. What were the main factors that contributed to the idea of ​​professional work?
  2. What are the most important trends and strategies currently emerging on the media market?
  3. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of specialization and professionalization in the media market?
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