Is Scopus better than Google Scholar? Using electronic databases in scientific work. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
Image by freepikMedia education and professionalization. Using electronic databases in scientific work
Main concepts
Literature analysis and criticism – or critical analysis, one of the basic research methods used to analyze the work of other scientists. Its purpose is to determine the current literature on a given subject, to indicate mainly research threads, or to discover gaps in a given field of science.
Electronic databases – in the context of scientific work, refer to collections of data available online that contain scientific information. So they can include various types of materials, primarily current articles from scientific journals. They are an essential tool for scientists, enabling them to access the latest research and information in their field. They are also a key element of the literature review process as part of a scientific work.
Is Scopus better than Google Scholar? Top content
- Literature review. Determination of current scientific publications on a given research topic, usually from the last 5 years. Indication of key items on a given topic, without a time frame.
- Method of analysis and criticism of literature. Studies of the literature on the subject. The auxiliary nature of the method, usually used in the theoretical chapter or in the introduction of a scientific article.
- Working with Google Scholar. Open access to scientific texts. The issue of the accuracy of the bibliographic description and its supplementation. Distinguishing journalistic from scientific texts.
- Scopus and Google Scholar. Paid access to abstracts and full-text versions. Completeness of information about publications. Use within the university library after logging in.
Literature and discussion questions
- Cisek S., Metoda analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa w nauce o informacji i bibliotekoznawstwie w XXI wieku, „Przegląd Biblioteczny” 2010, t. 78, nr 3, s. 273-284.
- Why is a literature review so important?
- How to use electronic databases effectively?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Scopus compared to Google Scholar?