What is the meaning of media education? This is my 20th academic year as a lecturer. A few sentences about the winter semester.
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw is my primary place of academic and didactic work. I give my main lectures to students here.
What is a semiotic tool?
What is a semiotic tool? Artificial intelligence in semiotic analysis. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is semiotic analysis?
What is semiotic analysis? Sign, paradigms and syntagma, commutation test, myth. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
Is Scopus better than Google Scholar?
Is Scopus better than Google Scholar? Using electronic databases in scientific work. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is CAQDAS used for?
What is CAQDAS used for? Software for qualitative research. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is Zotero used for?
What is Zotero used for? Bibliography management. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is the film analysis?
What is the film analysis? Historical, symbolic, ethical. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is QDA in research?
What is QDA in research? Qualitative data analysis. Outlines of classes: Media education and professionalization.
What is the history of journalism?
What is the history of journalism? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Journalistic qualifications and competences, Popular science journalism.
What is the nature and function of journalism?
What is the nature and function of journalism? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Journalistic qualifications and competences, Popular science journalism.