What does the journalist do

What does the journalist do? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Popular science journalism, Journalistic qualifications and competences.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Media technologies in professional practice

Journalism – the profession and practice of collecting, editing and publishing information about current events.

Media technologies – tools and platforms used to produce, distribute and receive media content.

Journalistic ethics – rules and standards of conduct that a journalist should follow.

Digital media – electronic media that work on digital technologies.

What does the journalist do? Top content

  1. The role of a journalist. So discuss the different roles of a journalist, including reporter, editor, correspondent, presenter, etc.
  2. Media technologies. An overview of various media technologies such as print, radio, television, the internet and social media, and their impact on journalistic practice.
  3. Ethics and law in journalism. So discussion of the ethical and legal aspects of journalism, including rights to privacy, copyright and responsibility for published content.
  4. Professional practice. Examples of the use of media technologies in the professional practice of a journalist.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Głowacki B., Internet jako źródło informacji dla dziennikarza – mijanie się z prawdą a etyka dziennikarska, „Studia Medioznawcze” 2015, nr 1 (60), s. 21-31.
  1. What are the most important skills a journalist should have in the digital age?
  2. So how do media technologies affect the way journalists collect and present information?
  3. What are the biggest ethical challenges journalists face today?
  4. What are the potential consequences of violating ethics and law in journalism?

Popular science journalism. The specificity of popular science journalism

Popular science journalism – a branch of journalism that aims to convey scientific information in a way that is understandable to the general public.

Scientific communication – the process of sharing scientific information between scientists and the audience.

Dissemination of science – activities aimed at popularizing science and its results among the general public.

What does the journalist do? Top content

  1. The role of a popular science journalist. So discussion of the role of a popular science journalist, including translating complex scientific concepts into a language understandable to the general public.
  2. Techniques of popular science journalism. Overview of techniques used in popular science journalism, such as storytelling, visualizations, infographics, etc.
  3. Ethics in popular science journalism. Discussion of the ethical aspects of popular science journalism, including responsibility for truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided.
  4. Examples from practice. Analysis of examples of good practices in popular science journalism.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Zadruska A., Prywatyzacja sektora kosmicznego w polskim dyskursie medialnym. Badania jakościowe w środowisku dziennikarzy popularnonaukowych w Polsce w latach 2022–2023, „Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne” 2024, t. 33, nr 1, s. 157-193. 
  1. What are the biggest challenges faced by popular science journalists?
  2. What techniques can help translate complex scientific concepts into language that the general public can understand?
  3. So what are the consequences of providing false or inaccurate information? in popular science journalism?
  4. What are the best practices in popular science journalism?

Journalistic qualifications and competences. Scope of qualifications and competences

Journalistic qualifications – knowledge, skills and experience that are required to work as a journalist.

Journalistic competencies – the ability to effectively perform journalistic tasks such as writing, editing, interviewing, etc.

Ethics in journalism – rules and standards of conduct that a journalist should follow.

What does the journalist do? Top content

  1. Scope of qualifications. So discuss the various qualifications that are required to work as a journalist, such as education, experience, writing and communication skills, etc.
  2. Range of competences. An overview of the various competencies that are required to perform journalistic tasks effectively, such as research ability, writing and editing skills, interviewing skills, etc.
  3. Ethics and law in journalism. So discussion of the ethical and legal aspects of journalism, including rights to privacy, copyright and responsibility for published content.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Kindziuk M., Problem kompetencji językowych studentów IEMiD. Propozycja modyfikacji programu studiów, „Kultura-Media-Teologia” 2018, nr 33, s. 64-77.
  1. What are the most important qualifications and competencies a journalist should have?
  2. What are the differences between qualifications and competences in the context of journalism?
  3. So what are the consequences of violating ethics and law in journalism?
  4. What are the best practices in the education and professional development of journalists?