What is a manipulative tool

What is a manipulative tool? I have completed work on the third research paper on the academic achievements of bishop Adam Lepa.

As I mentioned, I am conducting research within the framework of a research grant. Entitled: Bishop Adam Lepa (1939-2022) – pioneer of religious media education in Poland. We are preparing a scientific monograph. Also in preparation is a dictionary of educational-media terms and scenarios for school classes. The subject of my study: Image and word in audiovisual culture. The perspective of bishop Adam Lepa.

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What is a manipulative tool? Manipulation theory and media attitude theory of bishop Adam Lepa

In the modern world, the media play a key role in shaping public opinion and influencing our perception of reality. Image and word, as the primary tools of communication, can be used to both inform and manipulate audiences. In his reflections, bishop Adam Lepa, known for his profound analyses of the media, highlights the subtle but powerful mechanisms of manipulation that can be used by the media. His reflections help us understand how images and words can be used to shape our beliefs, emotions and decisions, and the consequences of their irresponsible use.

Posing questions about image and word as tools of manipulation in the media, we will look for answers primarily in the second edition of bishop Adam Lepa’s 1997 monograph The world of manipulation. This is research material. His other publications on this issue were also used, including the articles Manipulation of man as a problem of contemporary pedagogy, Media – the fourth power or a social service? and Areas of “dialogue through the media” published in “Ethos”, “Łódź Theological Studies” and “Paedagogia Christiana”. The monographs Media and attitudes, Myths and images and the textbook Pedagogy of mass media are also valuable sources.

Critical analysis, a research method applied to scientific works and studies by other scientists, was used. The aim is to establish the main assumptions of bishop Adam Lepa’s theory of media manipulation. Two research questions were posed:

  • What media manipulation techniques does bishop Adam Lepa see?
  • How through media education can we counter media manipulation according to bishop Adam Lepa?

The results of my study of media manipulation as reflected by bishop Adam Lepa

Studying and researching bishop Adam Lepa’s theory of media manipulation, one can point out several of its important, as well as unique, features.

First of all, bishop Adam Lepa sees the problem of manipulation not so much as a technique for exerting influence. But as a key anthropological and epistemological issue concerning man and the possibility of knowing the truth about reality. Inquiring into the essence of manipulation, then we notice its manifestations in social and media communication, and understand specific manipulative techniques.

Second, the phenomenon of media manipulation demands an effective social response. Bishop Adam Lepa hints at education, both formal and informal, as an appropriate method of counteracting it. He calls for the involvement of teachers, academics and media researchers in making audiences aware of the nature of manipulation and the techniques used to manipulate people..

Third, the issue of manipulation and media education is linked by bishop Adam Lepa to the theory of media attitudes. He points out negative as well as positive attitudes. The passivity of the audience contributes to the development of manipulative phenomena in social and media communication. Attitudes such as active, critical and selective, among others, allow users and recipients of media messages not to become less susceptible to manipulation, but to be more conscious subjects of social life.