What is a method in science

What is a method in science? Outlines of classes: Blogosphere, Popular science journalism.

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Popular science journalism. The context of social communication and media studies

Scientific methods – the processes and techniques used in science to discover new information and expand our knowledge.

Social communication and media sciences – a field of science that studies social communication processes and the role of the media in society.

Methodology – principles, procedures and practices used in scientific research.

What is a method in science? Top content

  1. Definition and meaning of scientific methods. Discussion of various scientific methods such as observation, experiment, statistical analysis, etc.
  2. Application of scientific methods in social communication and media sciences. How are scientific methods used in social communication and media research, for example in content analysis, reception studies, etc.?
  3. The context of social communication and media studies. An overview of the latest research and trends in social communication and media sciences, such as the impact of social media, fake news, etc.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Woźniak-Kasperek J., Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach–forma, treść, kontekst, „Annales Universitatis Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia” 2021, nr 19, s. 3-18.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different scientific methods used in social communication and media sciences?
  2. What are the most important challenges and opportunities for social communication and media studies?
  3. How does the role of social media influence the direction of social communication and media studies?

Blogosphere. Contemporary media studies

Scientific methods – the processes and techniques used in science to discover new information and expand our knowledge.

Media studies – a field of science that studies the media, their influence, role and importance in society.

Methodology – principles, procedures and practices used in scientific research.

What is a method in science? Top content

  1. Definition and meaning of scientific methods. Discussion of various scientific methods such as observation, experiment, statistical analysis, etc.
  2. Application of scientific methods in media studies. How are scientific methods used in media studies, for example in content analysis, reception studies, etc.?
  3. Contemporary media studies. An overview of the latest research and trends in media studies, such as the impact of social media, fake news, etc.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Lisowska-Magdziarz M., Metodologia badań nad mediami-nurty, kierunki, koncepcje, nowe wyzwania, „Studia Medioznawcze” 2013, nr 53(2), s. 27-41.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different scientific methods used in media studies?
  2. What are the most important challenges and opportunities for contemporary media studies?
  3. So how does the role of social media influence the direction of contemporary media studies?