What is professional working style

What is professional working style? Outlines of classes: Journalistic qualifications and competences.

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Journalistic qualifications and competences. Independence and professional self-education

Work style – an individual way of performing professional tasks, which is characterized by specific features and methods.

Independence – so the ability to perform tasks and make decisions without the help of others.

Professional self-education – the way in which an employee manages his or her time, tasks and responsibilities in the workplace.

What is professional working style? Top content

  1. Democratic style – based on decisions made by the entire group. So the leader supports his subordinates by offering tools to perform their duties.
  2. Affiliate style – the most important thing is the well-being of employees. A clear flow of information plays an important role.
  3. Coaching style – the leader acts as a coach, helping subordinates develop their skills and achieve professional goals.
  4. Command style – the leader makes decisions and gives orders that subordinates must follow.
  5. Process style – focuses on processes and procedures. So everything is organized and planned.
  6. Autocratic style – the leader makes all decisions independently, without consulting the team.
  7. Directive style – so the leader sets the direction and expects subordinates to follow him.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Gołek B., Samokształcenie i samowychowanie młodzieży jako wyzwanie współczesności, „Konteksty Pedagogiczne” 2017, nr 8(1), s. 91-100.
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different working styles?
  2. How does independence affect your effectiveness at work?
  3. So what strategies can we used to improve professional self-education?
  4. How does work style affect team interactions and organizational culture?