What is the best definition of education

What is the best definition of education? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Creative techniques in media & education.

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Educational challenges of media technologies. Motivations, goals, methods, content and means of learning

Education – is a set of processes and interactions whose aim is to change people, especially children and young people, in accordance with the ideals and educational goals prevailing in a given society. So education includes the transfer of knowledge and the development of specific features and skills.

Teaching methods – so systematically used ways of working with students, enabling the mastery of knowledge and the development of students’ cognitive abilities.

Educational goals – specific teaching and educational goals and tasks, adapted to the age of students and teaching content.

Teaching resources – materials and methods used in the teaching process, such as textbooks, teaching aids, technologies, etc.

What is the best definition of education? Top content

  1. Emotional and social development. Developing the ability to build relationships, express emotions and deal with conflicts.
  2. Introduction to formal learning. Preparing children for primary school education, developing reading, math and science skills.
  3. The role of the teacher. Supporting students, creating an environment conducive to development, managing student behavior.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Lasota A., Pisarzowska E., Pożądane cechy osobowości nauczyciela-pedagoga w ujęciu klasycznych i współczesnych koncepcji, „Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna” 2016, t. 4, nr 1 (7), s. 77-88.
  1. What are the most important goals of education?
  2. Is there one ideal teaching method?
  3. So what teaching resources are the most effective in the education process?
  4. How can teachers deal with stress at work?
  5. What are the most important characteristics of a good teacher?

Creative techniques in media and education. The specificity of creative education

Education – the process of imparting knowledge, skills and values ​​that aims to develop the mind and character of students.

Creativity – the ability to think creatively, solve problems and generate new ideas.

What is the best definition of education? Top content

  1. Education is the process of learning and developing competences. Collaboration between students and teachers. So variety of teaching methods.
  2. Creativity as a key element of education. Encouraging students to think creatively. So use of various tools and techniques.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Fazlagić J. (red.), Kreatywność w systemie edukacji, Warszawa 2019.
  1. What are the benefits of introducing creativity into the education process?
  2. So what challenges do teachers face in developing students’ creativity?
  3. Is there one universal definition of education, or is it an ambiguous concept?