What is the best definition of work? Outlines of classes: Educational challenges of media technologies, Journalistic qualifications and competences.
Image by freepikEducational challenges of media technologies. Professional qualifications and competences
Main concepts
Work – human activity aimed at satisfying his material needs and spiritual.
Qualifications – a set of skills, knowledge and experience that a person has and which are necessary to perform a specific job.
Professional competences – the ability to perform specific tasks or responsibilities related to a given profession.
What is the best definition of work? Top content
- Work as a human activity. It aims to achieve a specific goal, often related to survival or improving the quality of life. So work may involve a variety of activities, including physical and mental, and may be performed in a variety of contexts, including the workplace, at home, or in the community.
- Types of professional qualifications. So they may vary depending on the context and industry. Diplomas, degrees, industry certificates. Specialized training that increases knowledge and skills in a specific area. Experience gained through practice in a given profession.
- Types of professional competences. Hard – specific skills that can be easily measured and assessed. Knowledge of foreign languages, operation of computer programs. Soft – these are interpersonal skills that refer to the way we work and cooperate with others. So communication, ability to work in a team, ability to solve problems, creativity, and resistance to stress.
Literature and discussion questions
- Orczyk J., Wokół pojęć kwalifikacji i kompetencji, „Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi” 2009, nr 3-4, s. 19-32.
- What are the most important professional qualifications and competencies in today’s world of work?
- So how to develop your professional qualifications and competences to improve employment prospects?
Journalistic qualifications and competences. Self-assessment of one’s own qualifications and professional competences
Main concepts
Work – human activity aimed at satisfying his material and spiritual needs.
Qualifications – a set of skills, knowledge and experience that a person has and which are necessary to perform a specific job.
Professional competences – so the ability to perform specific tasks or responsibilities related to a given profession.
Self-assessment – a process in which we assess our own skills, competences and achievements.
What is the best definition of work? Top content
- Work as a human activity. It aims to achieve a specific goal, often related to survival or improving the quality of life. So work may involve a variety of activities, including physical and mental, and may be performed in a variety of contexts, including the workplace, at home, or in the community.
- Self-assessment of qualifications. The process by which you assess your skills, knowledge and experience. So it helps you set your own development goals and adapt to professional requirements on the labor market.
- Self-assessment of competences. The internal judgment we make about ourselves. So emotional belief in one’s worth, competences and abilities.
Literature and discussion questions
- Rumińska D., Zależność pomiędzy poziomem samooceny a postrzeganiem własnych kompetencji zawodowych, „Debiuty Naukowe Studentów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej” 2017, nr 17, s. 143-158.
- What are the benefits of regular self-assessment of professional qualifications and competences?
- So what tools can be used to self-assess professional qualifications and competences?