What is the function and aim of education

What is the function and aim of education? Outlines of classes: Creative techniques in media & education. Educational and media specialization.

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Creative techniques in media & education. The special importance of creativity

Education – the process of learning and teaching, which aims to transfer knowledge, skills and values.

Function of education – so the role that education plays in society, such as developing skills, promoting social values, etc.

Purpose of education – the ultimate goal or result toward which education, human and society happiness strives.

Creativity – so the ability to create new and original ideas or things.

What is the function and aim of education? Top content

  1. The function and purpose of education. Discuss the various functions of education such as skill development, promotion of social values, etc. and the objectives of education such as personal, economic and social development.
  2. The importance of creativity in education. So discuss why creativity is important in education, how it helps develop critical thinking skills, problem solving, etc.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Nowacki M., Interpretacja dziedzictwa w XXI wieku. Kreatywność, ko-kreacja i publiczny dyskurs w ekonomii doświadczeń, „Turystyka kulturowa” 2020, nr 3(114), s. 12-40.
  1. What are the different functions of education in society?
  2. What are the goals of education and how do they impact society?
  3. So why is creativity important in education?
  4. How can we promote creativity in the education system?