What is the structure of a journal article? Outlines of classes: Journalistic qualifications and competences, Popular science journalism.
Image by ArthurHidden on FreepikPopular science journalism. Creating a popular science text
Main concepts
Journalistic article – a form of presenting information in the media, which includes analysis, interpretation and commentary on current events or topics.
Popular science text – a form of writing that aims to convey scientific information or ideas in a way that is understandable to a general reader
Article structure – key elements of the article, such as the title, introduction, “body of the text” and conclusion.
What is the structure of a journal article? Top content
- The structure of a journalistic article. So discussing the process of creating an article, from choosing a topic, through research, to writing and editing.
- Creating a popular science text. The specificity of popular science journalism genres, such as soft news, calendars, quizzes, rankings.
Literature and discussion questions
- Jarosz K., Komercjalizacja nauki i mechanizmy podnoszenia atrakcyjności artykułów popularnonaukowych, „Zeszyty Prasoznawcze” 2011, nr 210(3-4), s. 71-81.
- What are the key elements of a well-prepared journalistic article and popular science text?
- What are the challenges of transforming scientific information into text that a general reader can understand?
- What are the best practices in creating popular science texts?
Journalistic qualifications and competences. Main principles and genres of journalism
Main concepts
Journalistic article – a form of presenting information in the media, which includes analysis, interpretation and commentary on current events or topics.
Journalistic genres – various forms and styles of writing used in journalism, such as reportage, column, review, interview, etc.
Article structure – key elements of the article, such as the title, introduction, “body of the text” and conclusion.
What is the structure of a journal article? Top content
- The structure of a journalistic article. So discussing the process of creating an article, from choosing a topic, through research, to writing and editing.
- The main principles of journalism. Discussion of journalistic ethics, objectivity, accuracy, justice and responsibility.
- Review of journalistic genres. A detailed discussion of various journalistic genres, their characteristics and applications.
Literature and discussion questions
- Szymoniak K., Między gazetą a Internetem–nowe gatunki dziennikarskie, paragatunki czy hybrydy, w: Język, Komunikacja, Informacja, t. 3, red. P. Nowak, P. Nowakowski, Poznań 2008, s. 121-138.
- What are the key elements of a well-prepared journalistic article?
- So what are the differences between different journalistic genres?
- What are the most important principles of journalistic ethics and why are they important?