Where to study media studies

Where to study media studies? Outlines of classes: Blogosphere, Creative techniques in media & education.

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Creative techniques in media & education. Creativity in the context of media studies schools

Media studies school – refers to a specific approach or perspective in the study of media. Each school focuses on a specific aspect of the media. Such as its structure, content, history, meaning, effects, as well as its political, social, economic and cultural role. So media studies schools may vary in theory, methodology, and research goals.

Where to study media studies? Top content

  1. Palo Alto School – located in California, this school focuses on the study of interpersonal communication and is known for its development of communication theory.
  2. Frankfurt school – is a group of thinkers associated with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt who developed a critical theory towards contemporary capitalism and communism.
  3. Toronto school – this school, associated with the University of Toronto, focuses on the media theories of Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan. With an emphasis on technological determinism, the influence of the media on shaping the social and cultural formation of citizens.
  4. British school of cultural studies – associated with the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. Focuses on the study of popular and mass culture, adopting a critical stance towards the culture industry.
  5. American functionalism – so an approach in sociology and anthropology that focuses on the study of how various elements of society work together to maintain stability and harmony.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Nyzio A., Brytyjskie studia kulturowe a polski strach przed polityką, „Kultura Popularna” 2014, nr 39(1), s. 54-67.
  1. So how does creativity influence the creation of new forms of interpersonal communication?
  2. How does creativity serve as a tool for creating alternative forms of culture?
  3. So how does creativity in technology impact society and culture?
  4. How does creativity influence the creation and interpretation of meaning in popular culture?
  5. So how does creativity help society function better?

Blogosphere. The blogosphere in the context of media studies schools

Media studies school – refers to a specific approach or perspective in the study of media. Each school focuses on a specific aspect of the media. Such as its structure, content, history, meaning, effects, as well as its political, social, economic and cultural role. So media studies schools may vary in theory, methodology, and research goals.

Where to study media studies? Top content

  1. Palo Alto School – located in California, this school focuses on the study of interpersonal communication and is known for its development of communication theory.
  2. Frankfurt school – is a group of thinkers associated with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt who developed a critical theory towards contemporary capitalism and communism.
  3. Toronto school – this school, associated with the University of Toronto, focuses on the media theories of Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan. With an emphasis on technological determinism, the influence of the media on shaping the social and cultural formation of citizens.
  4. British school of cultural studies – associated with the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. Focuses on the study of popular and mass culture, adopting a critical stance towards the culture industry.
  5. American functionalism – so an approach in sociology and anthropology that focuses on the study of how various elements of society work together to maintain stability and harmony.

Literature and discussion questions

  • Sitkowska K., Kulturowy wymiar ewolucji mediów w ujęciu przedstawicieli „Szkoły Toronto”, „Kultura-Media-Teologia” 2012, nr 11, s. 42-54.
  1. How do blogs serve as platforms for interactions between different users, and how do these interactions influence online communities?
  2. So how do blogs influence popular culture and how are they used to spread ideology?
  3. How does blogging technology impact the way people communicate and create content?
  4. So how do blogs serve as platforms for the creation and dissemination of popular culture?
  5. What functions does the blogosphere play in society?