Which job is best for the future

Which job is best for the future? Outlines of classes: Journalistic qualifications and competences.

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Journalistic qualifications and competences. New technologies and changes in journalism

Transformations in journalism – changes in journalistic practice caused by technological progress.

New technologies – the latest technological tools and platforms that influence the professions of the future.

Professions of the future – professions that will be most sought after in the future due to technological development.

Which job is best for the future? Top content

  1. Introduction to new technologies. Discussion of the latest technological trends such as artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, etc.
  2. Changes in journalism. So how new technologies are changing the way journalists collect, process and present information?
  3. Professions of the future. Analysis of which professions will be most in demand in the future, with particular emphasis on the role of new technologies.
  4. Journalism in the digital age. So how can traditional journalism skills be adapted to new technologies?

Literature and discussion questions

  • Nierenberg B., Dziennikarstwo w XXI wieku–między potrzebami społecznymi a wymogami rynku, „Zeszyty Naukowe KUL” 2014, nr 57(3), s. 33-43.
  1. What are the most important skills journalists need to have in the digital age?
  2. What are the potential threats and benefits associated with the introduction of new technologies into journalistic practice?
  3. So what professions do you think will be most in demand in the future and why?
  4. How can educational institutions and companies better prepare employees for the jobs of the future?