
About prof. Piotr Drzewiecki’s website. Lectures, studies. Media education and professionalization, journalism.

Piotr Drzewiecki Media education and professionalization
Photo by Waldemar Kompała, 2017

Dear Sirs,

My name is Piotr Drzewiecki, and I am a media scholar, media educator, and associate professor. Specifically, I work at the Institute of Media Education and Journalism at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. I also prepare videocasts for the Higher School of Vocational Education in Wrocław. Before my academic work, I was, among others, journalist of the regional and trade press, sound engineer on the radio.


On my blog, I describe my academic activities, engage in inspiring discussions with students, and provide handouts for my lectures.

First of all, I am an academic teacher, which is also why I blog as a teaching aid for my students. In fact, I have been conducting classes and lectures for 20 years. Currently, my courses primarily include lectures on:

Additionally, I lead a master’s seminar on Media education and professionalization, as well as exercises in the educational and media specialization, such as:

I also collaborate with the Higher School of Vocational Education in Wrocław, where I prepare materials for distance education.

My students Media education and professionalization
Graduation, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, October 15, 2022.


On my blog, I share my experiences in media studies, publishing articles and chapters in monographs on various aspects of media education.

Currently (2024-2027), I am conducting scientific research (NPRH/DN/SP/0189/2023/12, PLN 359,400) on the achievements of Bishop Adam Lepa, PhD (1939-2022). Notably, he was a precursor of religious media education in Poland and, furthermore, one of my academic mentors. This research aims to highlight his significant contributions to the field. Together with my students in the master’s seminar on Media education and professionalization, we are conducting qualitative research on various groups of media users and representatives of media professions. We analyze media messages – such as posters, films, and TV series – within their historical, symbolic, and ethical contexts.

Media education and professionalization – invitation to cooperation

I have cooperated with many state institutions and NGOs in the development of educational and media projects. Additionally, my experience includes conducting workshops and training sessions on media and journalism for various professional groups.

I invite you to collaborate on scientific research. Moreover, I hope we can prepare a publication together and possibly apply for a research grant. To begin with, let’s start with some correspondence, and then we can see how to proceed.

Best regards,
dr hab. Piotr Drzewiecki, prof. ucz.

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